Our goal is to create and sustain a diverse and inclusive environment at Iowa Law, integrating diversity into teaching, research, and service.

Strategy #1: Recruit and retain the most talented and diverse people as students at the College of Law. 

Critical tasks  Indicators of Success

Add recruiting strategies to target markets and individuals likely to be attracted to and succeed in Iowa City. 

  • Increased number of applications and enrollment from students at identified schools. In progress.

Add financial aid strategies that improve support for diverse students, first-generation students, and students with financial need.

  • Adopt financial aid strategies that better support diverse, first-generation, and students with demonstrated financial need. In progress.

Increase number of applications to the College of Law from students who participate in Iowa’s Bridge Program, which introduces students from underrepresented communities to law school.

  • Increase in financial aid budgets for diverse, first-generation, and students with demonstrated financial need. In progress.

Build or engage with new pipeline programs designed for diverse and lower-income students interested in pursuing a legal career and educate them on how to pursue such a career.

  • Increased applications from participants in the Bridge program and other pipeline programs. In progress.


Strategy #2: Recruit and retain the most talented and diverse people to work at the College of Law.

Critical tasks Indicators of Success
Adopt practices and programs aimed in increasing the number of diverse applicants for positions at Iowa Law.
  • Increased diversity in applicant pools that leads to more diverse workforce at Iowa Law, including adjunct faculty. In progress.
  • Re-established and sustained Faculty Fellow Program with support to sustain the program for the long-term. Complete.
  • Completed training in path-to-distinction practices that also produce best practices documented for recruitment. Complete.
Adopt practices designed to increase the satisfaction of new hires and improve their retention.
  • Establish effective collegiate mentoring programs that are designed to promote an inclusive workplace. In progress.
  • Acknowledge faculty and staff who contribute to diversity efforts, viewed broadly. In progress.


Strategy #3: Integrate principals of access, opportunity, and diversity into all aspects of collegiate operations.

Critical tasks Indicators of Success
Foster an inclusive and equitable environment at the College of Law.
  • Increase communication about the College’s commitment to access, opportunity, and diversity through training opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. Complete.
  • Annual notification to students, faculty, and staff of the confidential process to raise concerns about practices or incidents in the College. Complete.
  • Implement and launch Alumni Diversity Council as an ongoing permanent Alumni Council at the law school. Complete.
Increase opportunities for students to explore issues of access, opportunity, and diversity in our community.
  • Increase opportunities for faculty and students to explore issues of access, opportunity, and diversity in the classroom, in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and in other programming. In progress.