There's a place for you here
We know that when students feel connected, supported, and proud of where they study, it translates into real success. The "I Belong at Iowa Law" campaign is about building a vibrant, inclusive community where every student feels like and is an essential part of the Iowa Law community.
The idea for the campaign was born from a combination of insightful research findings and meaningful conversations around opportunity, access, diversity, and inclusion. Research from the University of Cincinnati College of Law revealed that feeling engaged and supported during law school is a far stronger predictor of bar passage than LSAT scores or undergrad GPA. Coupled with our ongoing discussions emphasizing the importance of involving everyone, regardless of gender, neurodiversity, or background, we realized just how crucial a sense of belonging is. This campaign aims to create that inclusive atmosphere, ensuring every student feels valued, connected, and motivated to reach their fullest potential.
"I belong at Iowa Law"
This is more than just a slogan—it’s a movement to boost confidence and community at Iowa Law. By embracing belonging, we can work to celebrate our diverse, dynamic student body and set everyone up for success.
Together, we can make Iowa Law a place where every student thrives, from their first day to passing the bar and beyond!

Embedded Therapist
In partnership with University Counseling Services, we offer free counseling, programming, and support for law students.

Student Organizations
Find your community by getting involved in student organizations!

Student Success
We support every student academically, professionally, and personally to make sure your goals are in reach.
Your home away from home
"I Belong at Iowa Law" isn’t just about declaring that every student automatically belongs—it’s about acknowledging the challenges of law school, encouraging students to seek a place within our community, and being open to being that place for others.
We understand that law school can sometimes feel isolating. We aim to foster a supportive environment where everyone is intentional about finding their connection, resources, and sense of belonging. We hope our students will also reach out when they notice a fellow student in need of that connection.
Iowa Law is committed to creating safe, welcoming spaces where every student can thrive, grow, and truly feel at home.
Well-being at Iowa
We provide many great resources to support students, employees, and the community. Connect with a counselor, find organizations, check out trainings and events, and more!