Matthew Flyntz
As the Instructional Services Librarian, Matt coordinates the Law Library’s instructional services. He teaches for-credit legal research courses in the College of Law and elsewhere in the University, and provides research training in the Legal Analysis, Writing, and Research (LAWR) program, in doctrinal courses, and at the Reference Desk.
Prior to coming to the University of Iowa College of Law in 2022, Matt served as Research Law Librarian for Instructional Services at the University of California Irvine School of Law, and as Research/Instruction Librarian at the Chapman University Fowler School of Law.
Matt received a J.D. from the William & Mary Law School, an M.L.I.S. with a certificate in Law Librarianship from the University of Washington Information School, and a B.A. in Politics from Ursinus College.
Matt is a member of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and the Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL).
Service areas:
- Reference
- Instruction
- Selection