Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lawyers & Leaders (L&L) programs complement the traditional legal curriculum and are open to all Iowa Law students. Attendance at one L&L event each semester is one requirement for membership in the Pro Bono Society for that semester. 

Judging Juries
Wednesday, March 12, 12:40 p.m.  |  245 BLB

Join us for a screening of the documentary Judging Juries and a panel discussion of fair cross section of the jury-eligible population.

Expressing Yourself in a Professional Setting (OWLSS Spring Conference)
Monday, March 31, 12:30 p.m.  |  295 BLB

Join OWLSS for a conversation with Prof. Bohannon, Prof. Fisher Page, Erin Nathan, and Jessica Kirkpatrick about experiences and expectations regarding professional appearance.

Attendance at one Lawyers & Leaders program each semester is one requirement for membership in the Pro Bono Society. Visit for event details and attendance information. E-mail the Citizen Lawyer Program ( with questions. Updated February 10, 2025.