Friday, November 20, 2020

A statement from the OutLaws Executive Board:

On Transgender Day of Remembrance, we honor and remember our Transgender sisters, brothers, and siblings who have been taken from us by the hands of transphobic violence.

Violence against Transgender individuals is far too common in our society—with at least 37 people being killed due to transphobia and hate this year alone. This harsh pattern of brutality has existed for decades, with Transgender women of color—particularly Black Transgender women—disproportionately facing the most severe violence and murder rates.

The United States has a long way to go in providing equality and safety for Transgender people. Transgender individuals face discrimination in all fields of life, from the law, to medical care, to the workforce, to housing. As exemplified by Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, we as future attorneys, legislators, and leaders have the power to change these disparities. People like Aimee Stephens, the Transgender plaintiff in Bostock who passed away before the decision due to medical complications exacerbated by her loss of employer-provided health insurance, should not have to still fight with all they have to have their humanity recognized. If Aimee Stephens can give everything to make our world a better place, what is stopping us at the University of Iowa College of Law from using our knowledge, skills, and ability to do the same?

Making the world better does not start and end through the courts, many small, everyday actions of Transgender allyship can also effectuate positive change. One action is incorporating your preferred pronouns into your Zoom name, email, and other aspects of daily life and conversation. This small act creates a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone at minimal effort and signals your allyship. By taking this one step and getting others to do the same, we can make a world that people like Aimee deserved to live in.

  • OutLaws Executive Board: Co-Presidents Jonathan Molony & Jacob Bennington, Treasurer Kate Thorne, Digital Coordinator Kelsey Demel