Family law and health law encompass a range of related but distinct topics and practice areas. Family law includes the various laws that apply to family matters, such as child custody or divorce. Health law encompasses the laws governing the provision and receipt of health care, including laws governing health insurance, health care quality and developing law around the use of new technologies, such as genetic testing.
Faculty teaching in this area are nationally and internationally recognized for their expertise on topics in family law, health law, genetics and the law, and related subjects. They bring their research and authoritative subject-matter perspective into the classroom, exposing students to bleeding edge issues and debates in these fields.
Curriculum Guide
For students interested in practicing family law after graduation, Family Law is a foundational course. Advanced coursework in Adoption Law, Basic Federal Income Taxation and Negotiations and Client-Counseling may supplement the foundational principles, as could coursework on family wealth management.
For students interested in health law, or the intersection of health and family law, Health Law is a foundational course. Advanced topics include Insurance Law, Public Health Law, and specific focus areas like Genetics and the Law. Other helpful courses could be Administrative Law, Antitrust, Business Associations, or Intellectual Property, depending on what area of health law students are interested in.
Parallel to Iowa Law’s course offerings, the Iowa Legal Clinic and Field Placement Program provide opportunities for experiential training in areas relating to family and health law. Students working in the clinic and at field placements may counsel clients on family law and estate planning matters, work in corporate counsels’ offices of hospital and health systems, draft documents for clients and families, and represent clients in ongoing matters.
Courses & Programs
Foundational Courses
- Family Law
- Health Law
Advanced Courses
This list includes courses taught within the last several years at Iowa Law. Not all courses are offered regularly.
- Adoption Law
- Basic Federal Income Taxation
- Client Counseling
- Corporate Compliance Overview
- Foundations of International Law
- Genetics and the Law
- Global Health Law
- Health and Elder Law Practicum
- Health Disparities and the Law
- Insurance Law
- Interest-Based Negotiation for Lawyers
- International and Comparative Family Law
- Public Health Law
- Selected Issues in Family Law
- Substitute Decision Making for Incapacitated Individuals
- Negotiations
- Trial Advocacy
- National Health Law and Policy Resource Center
- Medical Tutorial for Law Students
- Law Clinic
- Field Placement Program

Centers & Institutes

Experiential Learning