Together, Hawkeyes are unstoppable. We understand the power of uniting for a common cause—and our pioneering spirit keeps us pushing forward to change the future.
Now’s your chance to help make history at Iowa Law.
Join the campaign at and help us:
- Ensure Iowa Law excellence
- Endow law journals to secure a lasting legacy
- Create professorships for Legal Analysis, Writing & Research faculty
- Provide scholarships to the best and brightest future attorneys
- Attract and retain top legal scholars
- Make the Boyd Law Building the optimal place for legal education
“No single experience or institution has given me more than Iowa Law has in terms of the tools necessary to build a successful and engrossing career. I want those tools to continue to be accessible to deserving students, regardless of financial capacity, and I am committed to giving back to the College of Law for that purpose. As a longtime member of the ILSF board of directors, I have enjoyed a front row seat to the benefits of supporting talented law students through scholarships, as well as providing financial support to enhance the College of Law’s reputation for excellence in legal scholarship and programming. A gift to the law school is an investment in bright futures.” — Maja Eaton (77BA, 84JD)

“Going to law school was a big financial lift for me. Thanks in part to financial assistance from the Iowa Law School Foundation, I earned my JD and was able to pursue a career in the law. Supporting ILSF is my way of paying that assistance forward to benefit today’s Iowa law
students.” — Robert Youle (76JD)